The James Dyson Award is now open for 2024 entries
The James Dyson Foundation’s annual competition reopens for young engineers to submit world-changing ideas.

Since 2005, the James Dyson Award has supported over 400 young inventors with more than £1m in prize money helping kickstart their careers.
Previous winners have used the award as a platform to catapult themselves to success, such as Yusuf Muhammad – Past International Winner of Automist 2009.
"Winning the James Dyson Award gave me great confidence and a springboard to success. It allowed me to start a company, which turned my design concept into a product that protects homes all over the world and has saved lives. As an internationally recognised award, it’s a fantastic vehicle to bring your ideas to life.” Yusuf Muhammad, 2009 James Dyson Award International Winner
If you have a world changing invention, or know someone that does, you can head to our website to find out more. Entries close on the 17th July 2024.