"Don't be afraid to try new things and always persist when facing failure."
What first made you think "I want to get into engineering"?
I was always interested in engineering which is why I chose a degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. But the defining moment that made me realise this was the career for me, was when I came for interview at Dyson and saw the culture of innovation first hand. I like making things and wanted to be in an industry that really drives progress in the economy and society.
What do you do, day to day?
When I was a graduate engineer, the status of the project I was working on determined the work I was doing. In the early stages of a project I'd be reading research papers or learning some theory. I'd then move on to conducting experiments in the lab, or writing code to implement an algorithm.
What would you say to aspiring engineers?
I would say don't be afraid to try new things and always persist when facing failure - there's always something to learn and to take forward for next time.